February 27, 2011

Cityville Neighbors Helping You Build and Maintain a Great City

Facebook is perhaps one of the most successful social networking sites of today as it allows you to be updated with the haps and mishaps of your friends as well as socialize with them virtually. But apart from the socializing and finding old and new friends, another thing that attracts the many to sign up to Facebook are the many virtual games that anyone can play.

There are hundreds of Facebook games and applications that are available to this day, all of them aiming to provide wholesome and creative fun to Facebook users. But perhaps one of the most popular among the young and old is Cityville. This game is created by Zynga and is said to be the top Facebook game for 2010.

Starting your City

Cityville can indeed be addictive as it allows you to create your own city and build your own empire. You get to be the creator of your own town working as am mayor collecting taxes and a city engineer building roads and houses. Everything is in your liberty as you may choose to expand your city and make it as big as you want. At the same time, you can invite various Cityville neighbors that you can visit or ask for help in times of need.

Now, starting a city can really be easy as upon signing up, you will be given a certain patch of land that can be expanded and develop. You start by putting up a few houses and a couple of businesses to keep your citizens happy. You also need to plant crops so that you can conveniently supply your businesses and make sure that your citizens are well provided.

Increasing Cityville neighbors

In order to become a big city, you need the help of your friends. This is why it is important that you have Cityville neighbors. Their frequent visits to your town can allows them to provide you with assistance in collecting rents, harvesting crops, and sending customers to your businesses. You neighbors can also supply you with goods as well as provide you with presents and things that will help you complete the list of goals for your city. They can even become employees in your community buildings. At the same time, you can also visit their town and provide them with assistance as you can also be rewarded by doing so. You can get more earnings and at the same time increase the stats of your reputation.

Inviting Cityville neighbors can really be easy. All you need to do is to add all your friends who play Cityville and send them a request to become neighbors. Once they accepted your request, then you can now visit their towns and provide them with the help they need.

Click Here to Get Instant Access to CityVille Secrets

February 25, 2011

Cityville Guide To Get You Past The Early Levels Quickly

A cityville guide to get you on the right track.There are various limiting elements within this game (energy, goods, money, etc.) so you'll want to select the right things to concentrate on when you are wanting to level up quickly. Keep close track of your extra points bar. If you are about to level up, try to use up your entire energy first as you will get a partial refill. You might want to hold off on accepting neighbor help in case you are really close.

Supply your franchises since franchises pay out the best ratio of coins to goods. Franchise your neighbor's cities as often as you can.

If you need goods send the five minute Charlie train as it does not use energy and brings back lots of good. It is a good idea to let your neighbors tend your ships and crops.Shipping at this point in the game is better than farming.

Activate the neighbors as soon as possible. Accept their help and follow them around. Try to get your bonus meter up all the way. Five bonuses for the first stage, and four for to fill the bar for each next stage (there are ten stages, so click on fifty one bonus items).

Harvest your soon to expire ships or crops until your storage is full.Collect from your best paying buildings. Don't forget your community buildings as they usually give you an energy or two.Use remaining energy on highest payout to lowest payout buildings

Put your crops in the middle of your game if you are in short goods supply so your neighbors will help you get goods faster and harvest them without using your energy.Shipping is far more profitable than farming, so work on expanding your shipping business. You can fit as many as 8 boats per pier.

Make a profitable square surrounded with decorations. Get that bonus up as high as possible. You can use the move tool to put ready buildings in there to harvest.This is just a simple cityville guide for beginning the game. It will become more detailed as you level up.

Click Here to Get Instant Access to CityVille Secrets

February 21, 2011

CityVille Design Ideas - 3 CityVille Layout Ideas To Maximise Your Earnings

The right CityVille design ideas can make the difference between having a village with a few houses and flowers or having a metropolis complete with huge skyscrapers, big business and, of course, as much cash as you could ever want. Here are some cool design ideas and layout ideas to help you on your way.

Sidewalks Not Roads

At the very beginning of the game, forget about roads. They are almost useless to you. Just build sidewalks for now. You can even bulldoze the existing road if you want to.

Decorations Aren't Just For Looking Pretty!

For whatever reason, the game designers like to reward decorations. So if you make the effort to make your city look nice and pretty then it will be worth it. It can even boost your earnings for your rental income and business income by 250% if you do it right!

You should definitely put decorations near your houses and your businesses. In fact, your houses and businesses should already be close together because they both benefit from being close by. Add in the decorations and you will multiple your combined income from both.

A good way to start doing this is to put down a flower bed between two businesses. A central park with buildings around it can also work well.


If you get into farming then do not build several farms all on the same page. It is much better to make one big farm. You will yield more money this way.

Remember, the main objective is to make money. The earlier you do this then the earlier you will have more money which will give you more freedom to do whatever you want and have whatever you want, regardless of the money that it will make.

So work (a little) now and play later. This strategy pays itself off within days.

Click Here to Get Access to CityVille Secrets

February 20, 2011

CityVille Cheats For Cityville Cash

This is the world of games and all of us like games. There are many types of games that you can play. Some games are action games in which you have to do something really fast and give results. These games will increase your speed of thinking but there are some other types of games that are used to improve your reasoning power and these games are called the strategic games. One of the best games in this series is the CityVille. This is a browser based city building game socially. This game is developed by the Zynga. This is a very popular social network application these days on Facebook.


The launch of the CityVille was announced to be on November 18, 2010 but this did not happen. The proper launch was delayed and the game was launched in December. This was a delayed launch and second date was not really described but this application was really good. It can be estimated from its players. This game had attracted 290,000 players of the game on the day of launch. This is a huge quantity so it is considered that this is the biggest launch of the history of Zynga.


The launch of this game on facebook was blasting but this is not all as most of things are very good at launch because of the designer's popularity, but they are not used on long term basis. This case is not applicable on the CityVille. It was really good that on 2nd January it broke the records and reached the top position in most active users. This is really a good game and has broken the record of the Farmville which was holding the record before that. The Farmville has some good points but if we see the rating, its users decreased after one month.

How to play:

The CityVille is a strategic game and allows the members of the Facebook to play it. They play as the mayor of a city that is created virtually on computer. You have developed the city in CityVille just as the mayor would have done it. You have to start at very small scale as you do not become mayor in just one day. Players have to do some tasks that are given to them to make their city. Players can do the farming and construction. In the Farmville there was only farming not the city option. If you complete the task some energy points will be given to you. If you increase the points then you will be able upgrade your level. There are many levels like the experience level, city construction level, etc. When your experience increases, it causes the increase in unlocked things to make your city even better.

This is not all the thing because this is a social network game so the players are able to visit the cities that are made by the person with whom they are sharing their content. There are many bonuses like increase in xp and CityVille cash are given to the user when he gets advanced in game and also on daily basis. There are some CityVille cheats that you can use in the game. There are also many sites that will give you CityVille tips and tell you how to get CityVille bonuses.

Learn How To Earn More CityVille Cash Now!

February 17, 2011

Building The Best City In CityVille - Secrets Exposed In New Guide

So what is CityVille? Unless you've been living under a rock, CityVille has had the fastest growth ever for an online game. In less than a month the game has rocketed past the 70 million player mark, showing just how good this new game is.

Unfortunately, just like Farmville before it, this game is not only addictive but comes seriously lacking with cash and energy. And every CityVille player knows you need cash and energy to build your city... otherwise you're doomed to waiting forever.

So there's been a bunch of new CityVille guides released to tackle this problem, there's 'CityVille Secrets' and 'CityVille Domination', 'Cityville Club' and 'Cityville Perfect'. The list goes on and on.

So are any of these guides good, and what do they talk about?

Well, the guides can be good depending on what you want out of the game. If you really love playing and would fork out real cash to pay for in game currency, you might be better off buying a guide, because these guides teach you the secrets to making tons of cash and energy in the game without having to pay for it.

In fact, two of the guides, CityVille Secrets and the CityVille Club, go into more detail. They each have a leveling walkthrough and more strategies and methods than the rest. However, none of the guides are free - something to bear in mind if you're expecting these for free.

Of course there is an alternative: you could play the game slowly and enjoy it as it is! Not the most fun option, and if you're reading this then you're probably already interested in a guide anyway.

By the way, if you're looking for CityVille cheats you can forget it, CityVille cheats simply do not exist and never will exist. This is because CityVille is an online game with crazy amounts of protection. There is simply no way of cheating in the game.

Where from here? We recommend CityVille Secrets

Click Here to Instantly Access CityVille Secrets

February 14, 2011

Best CityVille Strategy and CityVille Level Expansion

CityVille is the new and 3D featured game which was launched on November 2010. It is the Zyngas first game which have 3D rendered buildings and characters. Cityville got Millions and Millions of players all over the world. It is all about building your own city and expanding it with great opportunities of collecting coins and cash, increasing population and building relationship with neighbors, having your own business plus collecting several items for claiming bonus prizes. This game is a real fun for kids as well as for adults. It is a great strategical game with fun time experience. It also gives the sense of competition with your neighbors which makes it more interesting and enthusiastic.

I started playing CityVille on the mid of December after so many invitations from my friends. So, I started playing and in the beginning it seemed very easy and fun, but after some days I realized that it is fun indeed but it is not that easy. It requires lots of experience and strategy to build a powerful and a wealthy city. Most of my neighbors were already on the higher level and I was stuck on the bottom level. I started playing more and more but still I was not leveling up fast as my neighbors were.So, I asked one of the superior player about how they can level up so fast with more coins and cash? what are the secrets that they are using to build such a great empire like city? As he was my friend he gave me a resource which helped me to the great extent for building a big city and leveling up very fast.

After 4 days of using that resource I was at 66th level all the way from the 17th level. I was so happy and excited, my city of cityville was looking so beautiful and very powerful. It was like owning my own kingdom kind of feeling.The tips and all the secret tricks on that particular resource guide helped me a lot.The guide I used to build such a big and beautiful city in no time was CityVille Domination Guide. If you are really excited to build a big city, then let me tell you that this guide is very powerful and interesting. Trust me friends you will never get to know the big secrets and treasure map of CityVille if you do not get this guide.

I was so messed up in the beginning and I was completely out of track.I was literally screwing up my virtual city and I was not even realizing it. I went to level 66th from level 17th within few days only because of CityVille Domination Guide. I got multiple community building, skyscrapers and huge amount of goods and coins. I was literally laughing because I got ahead of all my neighbors who had started playing CityVille few weeks ago before I started, it was really a funny feeling.

Where from here? We recommend CityVille Secrets

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February 12, 2011

4 CityVille Tips That Will Help You Right Now

One of the biggest problems I had when I started playing CityVille was getting the necessary fund together to build community buildings. It was no lack of effort, I assure you. I plugged away like crazy and just couldn't figure it out. Because of this shortcoming the population in my little city was starting to not like me much and leveling up seemed all but possible.

Spending more time on the game is not going to get you where you want to go. Here are a few simple strategies that you can use in order to get ahead quicker that you can imagine.

I did realize pretty fast that just trying to do things my way and not seeking some sort of help has wasted a lot of my valuable time. I did do some looking around to come up with a way to get ahead and here are some CityVille tips you can use so you don't waste and become discouraged.

Be helpful.

Try to start off helping out friends and neighbors. The game gives back in a lot of ways for being so helpful.

You can't hurry nature.

Just like in life, your CityVille crops take time to cultivate. Understanding how long every crop takes to grow helps with planning and like every great city, you need a great city planner.

Cheaters never win.

Quit wasting all your time trying to find the latest hacks, crack codes and cheats online. Facebook games are virtually impossible to hack anyways. If you do find one that claims to give you unlimited money it's probably a scam of some sort. Get a good strategy guide filled with honest CityVille tips.

With time and knowledge come rewards.

As you begin to level up you will notice that it keeps getting easier and easier. You will become more proficient at tasks that may seem impossible today. As you start to level up money will start to be less of a problem for you.

Don't be like thousands of other players that struggle with their cities every day. Many of them are trying every latest hack and trick and not being very honest about their methods. This is because with a game that thrives on your ability to network and be social savvy it's hard to fool that many people.

Instead do some looking online and you can find some great tips for playing CityVille. Be helpful when you play and use all the information you can find from the honest strategy guides and become a very successful city manager. Furthermore it is possible to get banned from Facebook and their games by trying some illegal hacks or cheats.

Click Here to Get Instant Access to CityVille Secrets

February 11, 2011

CityVille Guide Best City Cash Strategy

CityVille is the fastest growing game to ever hit Facebook with over 85 million active users in the first month. Fans are loving the in depth gameplay and the ability to become mayor and take control of the entire city. The core currency is coins but fundamentally players could require extensive amounts of City Cash, this article explains the best ways to use City Cash.

Whilst items like coins and energy are earned or replenished over time, City Cash is not earned in the same way. It can be gained by doing extra side quests or even from spending real money. Players of the game who may not be able to afford CityCash will need to manage and minimize their use of the currency to avoid spending money to complete the game.

Essentially one of the core reasons we spend CityCash is because we need to unlock or build special buildings. Many people do not realize that if you can get more neighbours then you do not have to unlock these with City Cash. You are now probably wondering how you can get more neighbors easily as most of your friends might not want to play CityVille. The best method to help you to save your CityCash is to go to the CityVille associated fan pages and Facebook groups and write on the wall asking people to add you as a neighbor. This might seem a bit unlikely to work but you will be surprised as the sheer popularity of this game means people will add you very quickly. Once you have a lot of neighbors you will have saved a huge amount of City Cash that you can use on other things.

Unlocking buildings like the Museum without spending money is core to your success because these are easily unlocked by getting extra neighbors. CityVille is a complex game so ensure you plan each movement and refer to strategy guides to save you time and money.

Learn How To Earn More CityVille City Cash Now!

February 10, 2011

3 Tips for CityVille Success

CityVille has only been available for just a couple of months and the forums are already overloaded with questions from puzzled players in search of tips for CityVille. One reason is that most players have migrated over from playing FarmVille for the past couple of years and have tried to implement the same strategies without much success.

Although some of the social networking involved like acquiring new neighbors is much the same and the better you are at it, the better your city will become. That's where most of the similarities end though. Some of the larger things that will set you up for success are pleasing your population, location of buildings and successfully harvesting crops.

Here are 3 tips to help in those areas what will aid in making your CityVille city prosper.

1. Without a population you do not have a city. This is why it is paramount to keep the people happy. One way of doing this is by providing the public with places to shop and decorations for your city. People need to be able to buy goods and everyone loves a good-looking town. You can save energy by letting neighbors decorate and add franchises to your city.

2. A good strategy to making the most use of space is placing buildings in smart locations. By placing businesses on streets you allow easy access for population to shop for goods. Keep your crop areas all together if possible, this reduces the use of energy to harvest and helps you keep track of your crops much easier.

3. When starting out you must take note of how long each crop takes to mature. All crops grow and are ready to harvest at different rates. Strawberries are ready to harvest the quickest and thus are a good crop to utilize in the beginning to make some fast coins.

To really have a successful city it just takes good timing and planning. In addition to the suggestions above, one of the best tips for CityVille is good utilization of your neighbors. Don't be afraid to ask for help, this saves a lot of your time and energy. Just remember it pays off big to also offer help in your neighbors' cities as well.

Click Here to Get Access to CityVille Secrets

February 9, 2011

Cityville Facebook Game

If you haven't heard of CityVille you must be living under a rock. The new Cityville Facebook Game game from the same makers as the hugely successful Farmville game (Zynga) has only been open a couple of weeks and it is already going down a storm. In fact it is so popular that it has become the fastest growing social game in the history of Facebook... outstripping FrontierVille (also by Zynga). It has in fact reached 22 MILLION players within a fortnight of release - not shabby at all! But we all know people are sheep - just going where they are told to... popular doesn't make it actually any good. So let us ignore the huge numbers of people chewing on grass and bleating to take a look at what the game itself is actually like. What's Cityville All About? The premise of CityVille is a very simple one - in fact if you have ever played the SimCity games you will have a very good understanding of CityVille. The entire concept is to build a city to the best of your ability. Sound simple? Yeah, not so much...

The Cityville Way Of Life City:

Planning is a difficult job in real life and whilst computer game versions are easier they can still be very technical. Sometimes this is absorbing, sometimes it is TOO hard. But to give CityVille it's dues they have pitched it just right - it's not easy but it is certainly entertaining and absorbing. The graphics are amazing, you can get a fully rotatable 3D graphic of any building in the game - which for a FaceBook game is an astounding feat of coding - and they look darned good as well! Gameplay The gameplay is basic but interesting - with the right balance of farming, collectibles and new stuff to keep one hooked for a long time. It is amazing how addictive it is to try get another collectible before logging off - though to find them all you need a real CityVille Facebook Guide!

There are numerous tricks to running a good city (and they are nice enough to give pop ups with Cityville game hints) - like most versions of Facebook games it is a manner of juggling collecting money, building new buildings, managing timers and organising friends who also play to help you out. In fact that social aspect is vital to CityVille (which almost every Cityville Facebook Guide agrees with) - certain buildings will have a 'solo play' tax if you haven't got friends that can help you out... so make sure that you get inviting when you do sign up! There are plenty of other bonuses for this as well. Between the Facebook interface and Zynga's toolbar you can get tons of freebies of friends who are also playing, as well as certain collectibles and collaborations that would otherwise not be possible.

The Big Picture:

CityVille is a great and thoroughly addictive game that will have you coming back to grow your headquarters, start a franchise and much, much more - even scouring Google for Cityville game hints has become a proper pastime of mine). Whilst best played with friends almost everyone will get a kick out of the game, even in the more taxing (literally) solo play. Give it a shot, you won't be disappointed.

Click Here to Get Instant Access to CityVille Secrets

February 8, 2011

Improve Your Cityville Gameplay With The Cityville Secrets Guide

Cityville Secrets is currently the second most popular Cityville Strategy guide online, and has been produced by social game guide veteran Tony Sanders, who has written other informative Zynga guides such as Frontierville Secrets and Farmville Secrets.

Tony's usually standard of strategy guide is not lacking here, with yet another highly detailed and professionally presented guide which goes into precise details of exactly how to play the Cityville game.

Anyone wishing to master the fundamentals of playing the social game Cityville, will find everything needed to find a whole host of Cityville neighbours and also gives some insightful hints and tips on how to place the various housing, businesses and decorations to produce much more gold coins. Players are even given expert tips on how to produce a constant supply of goods to supply their businesses and methods which produce more experience points so they can enjoy levelling up quicker.

Players are treated to several city layout plan images which can be implemented into their own city designs, so the overall city will look and feel more professional and will make the task of day to day running of the city less time consuming.

Cityville Secrets does exactly what it says on the sales page, and the hints and tips inside if implemented correctly will help any Cityville player raise through the levels very quickly and be the envy of their Cityville neighbours.

The Cityville Secrets guide is yet another masterpiece for Tony Sanders, and its only fault is its slight lack of content compared to the number one Cityville strategy guide, but with the promise of free guide updates in future is definitely an ebook any Cityville fan should consider.

Click here to instantly access CityVille Secrets

February 7, 2011

Cityville Expansion Cost - How Much And Then What To Do

How many coins will you need for the job? And what should you do after this if you want to make the most money? Let's find out now.

How Many Coins To Expand Your City?

As you know, coins are used to buy most things in the game. Sometimes you need cash but it does not normally stop you progressing if you don't possess any or much.

To expand your city in Cityville costs 20,000 for the first expansion and rises rapidly thereafter.

The Best Way To Expand

The best way to expand is towards the sea. If you do this then you can get a port and if you have a port then you can start doing shipping.

Shipping via sea is also much better than shipping via train - you have many, many more options.


Trains are good but ships are way better, especially when you start to run a few franchises. If you're about to expand then have a port as your main goal.

Once you've expanded towards water and built one, you have to buy ships to place around your new pier. Make sure that you rotate your ships so that you can fit more around your port. The more ships that fit around your port then the more goods that you can ship in and the more money that you will make.

Keep going - you want to reach a situation where you have several ports, each with several ships. By this time, your franchises should also be in full swing. This is what you need to reach the top levels right now. Obviously, the game will change within a few months and there will be newer challenges but expanding into shipping is always going to be a necessary goal for anyone who wants to do well at this game.

Where from here? We recommend CityVille Secrets

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February 6, 2011

CityVille Strategy - CityVille Secrets Revealed Today!

Are you amongst the thousands of people getting into the CityVille game on Facebook every day? Could you be a part of the frustrated population that is spending hours upon hours trying to get coins and level up? Is it getting harder and harder to manage those crops and build the huge city that you want in the time that you have to play CityVille? The process of waiting for those crops to grow can be painful to be honest. Trust me I know all about it, I struggled just like you did for a great while until I figured out that I needed to purchase a Cityville Strategy guide. It allowed me to go from level 5 to 34 in one week, no lies, no fluff, and no hype.

Here are a couple of quick tips to get you on the path to domination:

1. Concentrate on the things that will get your coins first (coin is King in CityVille)

2. Once you stack the coins, start building housing and community buildings

3. Start planning ahead now that you have coins and buildings.

If you follow these simple steps (after you have a significant amount of coins), it will still take time to build your city. It will NOT be as frustrating or any near as hard as it was before. Use these 3 simple tips to help you along the way until you come to your own conclusion that you will probably need to have access to a CityVille strategy guide.

Click Here to Get Instant Access to CityVille Secrets

February 5, 2011

CityVille Downtown Collection - How To Get It

The CityVille Downtown Collection - how do you achieve this and get the reward that you deserve? What collectibles do you need and what is the reward anyway? All this and more are answered below.

What Is The Reward?

The reward for completing this collection is the tavern. This is a business that normally costs 100 coins. Earnings are 352 coins and supplies are 80 goods per cycle. The tavern is also itself one of the collectibles for Watering Hole Collection.

What Collectibles Do You Need To Collect?

To get the tavern, you first need to collect the following 5 things: mini fridge, hot tub, television, air conditioner and sofa bed.

Once you have all these, you can either keep them and forgo your reward or you can use the "Trade In" function to exchange them for your tavern.

How Do You Get All Of The Collectibles?

These collectibles appear when you collect rents from upscale condos and hotel suites. You are not guaranteed to get one of these collectibles each time you collect your rent but over time you should eventually get them all.

Most common will be the TV so you might want to get rid of these because you won't have a problem accumulating at least one for your collection.

How Long Does It Take?

This really depends on how often you play. Getting all the collectibles is usually not a quick task and will probably take you a few days. The appearance of the collectibles is slightly random so you may complete the Downtown Collection sooner or later compared to your neighbors.

I strongly suggest making lots of neighbors and asking around to see if anyone has something that you need to complete your collection. Most of the time they will give it to you for free. You should give something back as a courtesy.

Click Here to Get Instant Access to CityVille Secrets

February 4, 2011

CityVille Secrets - Is This The Best CityVille Strategy Guide

CityVille Secrets is one of the bestselling selling strategy guides for CityVille. Why? Because it is written by an actual pro player who has spent hours and hours testing out different strategies.

In fact, Tony 'T Dub'Sanders, the guide's creator, spent months tracking the techniques used by high level players. He visited forums and their cities to find out what worked. From there he duplicated their methods and figured out a lot of things including how to make tons of money.

Everything he learned is found in the CityVille Secrets.

Although CityVille seems straightforward and easy to play, over time it becomes harder and harder to build a virtual city because there are so many tips and strategies to consider. For this reason, many people spend money on game guides so that they can move things along.

At this time, CityVille Secrets is the most popular strategy guide for the game. Why? Well, the guide offers so much content and points out how to deal with a variety of challenges like leveling up and getting more coins.

In fact the step-by-step instructions on how to get money fast is, in my opinion, the best section of the guide. After trying to figure out how to move past level 12 for a few weeks, I bought a copy of CityVille Secrets and almost immediately improved my game. In fact, I am well on my way to level 35.

Here are some of the guide's best features:

  • Lower level players earn experience points and money fast.

  • Free weekly updates on game changes and techniques.

  • Players can get dozens of neighbors quickly using certain "secret" tactics.

  • Effective tips on how to avoid using bad building methods.

  • Pros players share their tactics for leveling fast and give you tips on how to double your CityVille coins and cash virtually overnight.

Making it through the high levels is definitely possible and you don't have to waste anymore time trying to "figure" things out. Nothing is held back in this detailed guide and most importantly it contains 100% legal game tips.

Also, you will not get banned or run into any trouble if you use some of these strategies. You will see your blue experience bar increasing like crazy once you take the time to implement some of these "game-changing" tips.

On top of all of the information and instructions you get, the guide comes with three bonuses that truly add value to this great guide. The bonuses are:

  • Free City Cash Report

  • Complete Step-by-Step Leveling Guide

  • Speed Leveling With Neighbors

Keep this in mind. Thousands of people are constantly searching online looking for the best CityVille guide to help them get more neighbors, earn more gold and build a huge beautiful city.

I can say without a doubt that you can definitely master every aspect of CityVille with the help of this guide and with the 60 day, risk-fee money back guarantee, you have no reason not to pick up a copy of CityVille Secrets.

Click Here to Get Access to CityVille Secrets

February 3, 2011

3 Core CityVille Priciples for a Good CityVille Strategy

In CityVille, success is easier explained that implemented. However, knowing the areas to focus your time and energy can save you a lot of time and frustration and enable you to develop the perfect CityVille strategy. Balance is key and for your city to run smoothly you need revenue, citizens, and a supply of good to meet their demands which are the tree basic principles to succeed. Here is a look at those principles for a well balanced city.

Coins - You receive revenue from your city in the form of coins. These coins come from rent, businesses and the selling or trading of goods. To maintain a steady flow of income in your CityVille city you must grow your businesses and population together.

Goods - The way to get goods is by growing your own crops, utilizing trains between you and your neighbor's cities and eventually by shipping at later levels in the game. Here is a look at your three sources of goods.

1. Crops are available immediately and should be utilized right away to generate coins for your city. You will find crops in your build menu and as you progress more varieties of crops will become available.

2. Shipping is a great resource and can help you make a lot of coins. You will have to wait though as shipping is only available after completing many tasks and goals.

3. Trains are a great way to export and import goods. Trains are not available for you to use early on but you can unlock them fairly easily. A big advantage of trains is they require no energy and don't use up valuable area.

In short, using crops early and often is you only way to go to build up your number of coins as it is your only option when you first start playing. You should be working on getting trains and shipping since these will bring big rewards and a high return on investment.

Population - The steady rise in your city's population is an indicator that you are running your city smoothly. To keep a happy balance, it is important to build houses to attract new citizens and as your population grows so should your businesses proportionately. When you generate enough coins it is important to build community buildings which are essential to keeping your population happy.

Hint 1: Don't be afraid of building only one of each community building. You can build more than one of each type and this is important to do.

Hint 2: Remember that community buildings are a great source. Remember to collect your daily from them as they reward you with things like goods and XP.

Hint 3: Hold off building community buildings right away. Build houses and businesses and then build you community buildings when the game absolutely requires it.

Continue to maintain a happy balance among these three CityVille principles and your city will flourish. The best strategy is to always exercise balance and prior planning.

Learn How To Develop the Perfect CityVille Strategy Now!

February 2, 2011

CityVille Secrets - CityVille Hints and Tips

CityVille might seem like a pretty straightforward game, but there are tons of tips and tricks that you might not have known about that will help generate tons of cash fast and also let you level much quicker than you normally would.

You might think that the only way to level up faster and buy those expensive buildings is to spend real money on them, but that's where you are wrong. It is easy to make millions of coins in CityVille as long as you know what you are doing.

First, it is important to make sure that you have enough storage space in your city. That's why you should always build at least one to two red barns to give your city enough storage space to supply goods to your businesses. Another basic CityVille strategy is to get lots and lots of neighbors. You can get neighbors by either requesting them through your Facebook friends list or by finding them on the CityVille forums.

Another element that requires some strategy is planning and placing your houses and businesses. One of the best and simplest ways to place houses in CityVille is by placing them in a square and then filling the middle of the square with tons of decorations. Also, another helpful CityVille tip is to place flowers and other decorations around the outside of your houses and businesses as these flowers and decorations will greatly increase the gold you get from collecting rent.

When you place businesses in CityVille, you should follow essentially the same strategy. Place businesses in a square and put your businesses headquarters inside the square. This will ensure that you get optimum placement and also generate a higher percentage of gold earned. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. If you are truly interested in learning out how to master CityVille, check out my blog for a much better source of CityVille secrets guaranteed to help you dominate the game.

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February 1, 2011

Cityville Guide for Beginners

Facebook offers a new cool application for you to spend hours of endless fun with. CityVille is an online game by Zynga. This online social network game is said to be modeled after an old PC game, SimCity. As it is a new craze, many would then wonder how this game actually works. With a CityVille guide you would be not only growing veggies on farms but a city that is rising up skyscrapers. If you are just beginning with your city then there are some beginner CityVille tips for you to start good and start great in your pursuit to build a great city.

Every city needs people in it, and every person needs a home. So begin by building a home. When you build a home you get some coins and experiences which would boost your status as a city. And maybe will help you become the City Mayor. Though, population has a limit but you can raise the population capital by putting up community buildings like the postal office. Community buildings are needed to be staffed with employees. You can hire your friends to become a City Official or someone else in the community. Cities would not rise without its businesses. Businesses are an integral part to the CityVille community. These allow the city dwellers to spend their money, therefore your city will earn.

When buildings are everywhere it is hard for the people to go around without the roads. CityVille Tips says that instead of using roads to guide people towards the establishments, why not use sidewalks? These sidewalks would not only save money but also space.

Speaking of roads, and infrastructure, farms are still a part of the city. You can still harvest and earn from these farms. Still these farms are like Farmville. The plants have costs and they wither and die if left unattended.

CityVille strategy would lead you in accomplishing the goals to a better accuracy and speed up improvement of your city. Though there are no CityVille cheats because Zynga made sure that the integrity of this online game be kept. Still there are CityVille strategies to keep our city growing and expanding.

One effective CityVille strategy would be having your friends involved with your city. Still friends and neighbors would be a great help in letting your city grow. Though there is no easy way to let your city grow in a short period of time. Your friends would help your city develop into a super power in no time. Have deals with other cities or even trade with them. You are like running a real city here.

The only problem that you would face when running the city would be the energy being expended. Every task needs energy and therefore you easily fall into an energy shortage. But you don't have to wait for five minutes for you to gain a single energy. Just by visiting neighbors you will earn up to 3 energy batteries. You will not only earn batteries here but also an experience and some coins upon visiting your friendly neighbors.

If you want a CityVille tip to earn extra money. One benefit of visiting friends is that you are able to collect money and reputation from them. Though there is a limit, but that would still be a great help financially for your city.

With this simulated online game, you will be having fun building your own city in the convenience of your own home. And with this CityVille guide you are able to manage in beginning a well planned city, though not for real.

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