February 7, 2011

Cityville Expansion Cost - How Much And Then What To Do

How many coins will you need for the job? And what should you do after this if you want to make the most money? Let's find out now.

How Many Coins To Expand Your City?

As you know, coins are used to buy most things in the game. Sometimes you need cash but it does not normally stop you progressing if you don't possess any or much.

To expand your city in Cityville costs 20,000 for the first expansion and rises rapidly thereafter.

The Best Way To Expand

The best way to expand is towards the sea. If you do this then you can get a port and if you have a port then you can start doing shipping.

Shipping via sea is also much better than shipping via train - you have many, many more options.


Trains are good but ships are way better, especially when you start to run a few franchises. If you're about to expand then have a port as your main goal.

Once you've expanded towards water and built one, you have to buy ships to place around your new pier. Make sure that you rotate your ships so that you can fit more around your port. The more ships that fit around your port then the more goods that you can ship in and the more money that you will make.

Keep going - you want to reach a situation where you have several ports, each with several ships. By this time, your franchises should also be in full swing. This is what you need to reach the top levels right now. Obviously, the game will change within a few months and there will be newer challenges but expanding into shipping is always going to be a necessary goal for anyone who wants to do well at this game.

Where from here? We recommend CityVille Secrets

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