Whilst items like coins and energy are earned or replenished over time, City Cash is not earned in the same way. It can be gained by doing extra side quests or even from spending real money. Players of the game who may not be able to afford CityCash will need to manage and minimize their use of the currency to avoid spending money to complete the game.
Essentially one of the core reasons we spend CityCash is because we need to unlock or build special buildings. Many people do not realize that if you can get more neighbours then you do not have to unlock these with City Cash. You are now probably wondering how you can get more neighbors easily as most of your friends might not want to play CityVille. The best method to help you to save your CityCash is to go to the CityVille associated fan pages and Facebook groups and write on the wall asking people to add you as a neighbor. This might seem a bit unlikely to work but you will be surprised as the sheer popularity of this game means people will add you very quickly. Once you have a lot of neighbors you will have saved a huge amount of City Cash that you can use on other things.
Unlocking buildings like the Museum without spending money is core to your success because these are easily unlocked by getting extra neighbors. CityVille is a complex game so ensure you plan each movement and refer to strategy guides to save you time and money.
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